Indore has the India's first electric zone of the country fully managed by Female Staff
The Pink Zone handles the work of the entire Aranya Nagar colony
On the Women’s Day, Madhya Pradesh West Power Distribution Company (MPWPDC) started a “Pink Electricity Zone’ here to be managed by women staffers, said an official. “The Pink Electricity Zone comprises 25 women staffers who would look after the energy maintenance work of 13,000 power connections in Aranya Nagar inhabited by 60,000 people,” Managing Director of government-run MPWPDC Akash Tripathi said.
Every single employee is a Female Candidate
He said women would exclusively run the electricity show of Aranya Nagar. Assistant engineer, junior engineer, line supervisor, linespersons, meter readers, accountant, computer operators of the zone are all women. Donning pink uniform, these women will read power meters, recover dues and repair energy supply lines, he added. According to the officials before handling the charge of the Zone to these women they have to undergo a very difficult and hard training. Every women employee especially the one who will be working in the fields have been given a practical training of months so that they can do their jobs more efficiently and confidently.
It is a very positive move by the Govt Authorities as it will not only boost the women’s moral but will also break the monotony of Society Standards and Dead Beliefs which still considers women the week and helpless part of the Society.