Negligence of Traffic rules taking more than 500 lives of Indorians on monthly basis, more than 8,000 lives yearly!
Negligence of Traffic rules taking more than 500 lives of Indorians on monthly basis, more than 8,000 lives are sacrificed annually in the city only, Indore’s traffic is becoming the most fatal all-over MP is seen as per graphs…..!
One more accident happened, two more young lives of college professors claimed, and many more question marks on the lustrous city of Indore have been raised just due to the mistake of a few people. Indorians are now fed up hearing off such kind of accidents and tragedies. Every day a new accident is reported. Again the chain reaction of statements and replies, guidelines and protocols will start to flow from the side of politicians, officials, and authorities. But after all, the condition remains the same after some time.
Conventional and expected Reactions and problems associated with this conventionalism:
Many steps would be taken, campaigns would be called off, but as of conclusion; the mentality of many of the vehicle users would not change by just these campaigns and protocols, they definitely work for some literate people who understand the scenario and values the family members who depend on them and are waiting for them at home, but majority will never understand how to be safe on the roads for their selves and for others too. Something needs to be done at ground level.
The practical and tactical approach:
Criticizing authorities instead of acting on the issue is never the solution, So this article will focus not on the issues, but on the most practical and tactical solutions, as we understand that everyone is in a hurry these days, no one is good at having and showing a bit of patience at the cost of someone’s or their owns life, in spite of knowing that we are not going to become millionaires by just cutting 5 minutes on-road as of over-speeding.
Becoming influencers:
“The biggest act of kindness is becoming aware and awaking others”
If seen from a different vision, everyone is responsible for each and every mishappening on road, Yes!, everyone: including the writer and the reader and anyone whether he/she follows the protocol or not; It may sound weird that we always follow rules, always wear helmet and seat belts, how can we also be responsible for such happenings?
“A courageous person not spreading knowledge is way worse than a person not having that courage.”
Anyone is not asking you to stand at the square and control traffic, but the thing a courageous can do is to inform and try to convince everyone to drive at a controllable speed. Showing off to someone about the superbike or supercar that you have is discrete but prominently thinking that having a glass of liquor in one hand and car steering on the other is enjoyment, but being practical, risking your life at the cost of existence is no any sort of enjoyment in any manner. Most of the fatal accident cases happen due to drinking and driving, at least we should request and influence others not do so. Tolerating what all is happening around and not- taking it personal shows that you don’t the value of the society that you live in. It should be changed at priority basis. After all, we are all a family living in the same city.
Message to non-influencers:
Some people are also not that much outspoken and can’t convince someone influentially to change. If talking about the non-courageous ones, it is not their fault, they are not that much lucky to be able to gain knowledge as you (if seen positively) it means it is our job to inform them about city traffic and speed limits, we should approach them humbly and request them “to drive at a safer velocity, wearing helmets for personal safety and wearing seatbelts” which will put an impact that the people of Indore cares. Like we request everyone to use toilets and dustbins and don’t let anyone litter waste in public places.
Role of Traffic Police in controlling such happenings:
Practically if seen, Indore’s traffic police have set benchmarks maintaining the traffic decorum in the city and trying best to improve traffic condition of the commercial capital of Madhya Pradesh. The increasing number of vehicles on the road and public behavior to hate standing at traffic lights and rushing to get out of the queue leads to clashes. The tactical solution to this is nothing other than having patience at traffic signals.
“If we are tolerant of the wrong stuff happening around, we are more wrong than anyone in this world.”
Practical reasons for such accidents, along with tactical solutions:
- Lack of patience is the biggest reason for over-speeding and deaths due to it. Practicing Yoga can enhance patience and calm in any individual.
- The feeling of the luxury of having a superbike or a supercar and speeding it to impress others of your vehicle is another killer on roads. Remember vehicles are meant only for transport, no one is getting fond of you by looking at the speed of your bike or car.
- Most people are seen to get out of the home just 5-15 minutes earlier from the time of reporting at the office, which gets you to panic at the last moment and even late to office. Get out your place half an hour earlier of the estimated time to reach the particular place. It will also show goodwill in the workplace and you will feel better.
- Drinking and driving is no sort of enjoyment these days. Such cases are taking the lives of hundreds of people in Indore itself, and you are not risking only your life but also of the people with whom you share your life. So don’t drive after drinking, take someone with you who can drive you home after you are done with the so-called enjoyment.
- More than half number of accidents occur on highways, as heavy motor vehicles rule over there and they don’t see anyone in front of them. Drive 10 times safely sideways at low speeds on highways, get reflectors and low beam light installed on your vehicles, so that you would be visible from distance, you can get hazard light wired up for any of your car or bike, by your own itself, or by a mechanic as well at a reasonable rate. Also never get those side mirrors off your vehicles, as they are most helpful while driving and it is safe to drive with them.
- Rest all you had already heard off, be the change you want to see and care for everyone on road. Life is very beautiful and think that you have just seen the beginning, the whole life is to be seen yet, don’t spoil that opportunity. If someone known is not getting convinced to follow rules after this as well, it is practically suggested to them to visit the nearest hospital and just meet the attendants of the one who met an accident recently. Their tears will definitely convince you to be safe.
Remember: Every day at least 2-3 people sacrifice their lives on the road, we don’t want you to be one of them at any cost. Ride safely.
“Life always gives us exactly the teacher we need at every moment. This includes every mosquito, every misfortune, every red light, every traffic jam, every obnoxious supervisor (or employee), every illness, every loss, every moment of joy or depression, every addiction, every piece of garbage, every breath. Every moment is the teacher.” -By JokoBech