Indore Police is ready with a brand new Integrated Control Room to serve the Indorians.
Every major metropolitan in the country requires a centralized policing and control room to better handle emergency and distress situations and provide quick handling of the same. The government of India approved the construction of a high-tech, edge cutting central control room for the city to provide a good handle for the police authorities over the entire city. To have a better understanding of the newly built central command center Indore Talk’s team visited the command center and interviewed SP Headquarter IPS officer Suraj Verma who gave us a tour of the place as well as enlightened us about the new technology and upgraded features present.
The most important requirement for a centralized control room is the ever-growing crime rates of the city and a need for the quick presence of the Indore Police at the crime scene. The Indore Control room can provide 24-hour surveillance and assistance towards any problems that arise in the city. Inaugurated recently, the Indore Control Room is a 3 story high command center that has merged all the different departments and services under one roof for quick and proper problem resolution. ICR has a wide range of high tech paraphernalia that include direct feeds of more than 600 security cameras placed all over the city that take care of traffic management and alerts the special reserve police in high alert situations. It also tracks police movement to ensure the quick presence of police at the required location. ICR also has stocked resources for riot drill equipment and modern BDDS team setup for emergency and bomb explosive situations. The city surveillance has a 30-60 day storage feed. Other various facilities include the well equipped forensic lab, photography section, fingerprint unit all together to ensure quick movement towards a crime scene. The entire building is built to cater to the police requirements of the city for at least 10-20 years ahead in the future. Another new feature introduced by the MP government is the Dial 100 project that has made policing extremely organized in the state. All distress calls on 100 directly are received by the headquarters in Bhopal, from where an alert is sent to the free distress vehicle in the area and the police are then informed. This setup ensures a quick response to the citizen who called for help and makes sure that the police have reported to the location on time. 112 is the number being proposed by the government as the primary distress number, you can call 112 for any emergency after which the required special team shall be dispatched to your location per your emergency, be it a crime, medical, fire, or any other.
IPS officer Verma also mentioned the newly built counseling room in the ICR where dispute resolution through arbitration is encouraged. He informed our team that a big number of disputes in the city revolve around familial or personal issues that escalate to involving the police. Counseling aims to make sure that minors issues to be resolved through talking and discussions to avoid the involvement of any legal process or launching of an FIR, both of which could be cumbersome for the aggrieved parties. Counseling rooms have systematic sessions and regular appointments where they keep the record of how useful counseling proved to be. The ambiance and environment of the counseling room are made to be comfortable and welcoming, to avoid distressing the people who seek help.
Geared with such useful and modern devices and equipment, the Indore Control Room is all ready to break the small divide between the police and the citizens, promising to have a better handle on situations that require quick police assistance. In hopes of taking positive strides towards the development of the city, SP Headquarter IPS officer Verma concluded the video, thanking those citizens who contributed their efforts and time in assisting the police during the pandemic.
We urge all our viewers and followers to support the government and the authorities in their endeavor to fight this pandemic in the country. We urge them to not panic and stay positive and kind to all those who are battling with this virus, stay aware and safe, and assist the authorities in any way you can to prevent further spreading of this virus.
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