COKKA kitchen goes green in support of the Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan.

Cokka Bar and Café, a brand new venture by Sho:Sha has managed to stun its customers by a brand new concept that not only is lip-smacking delicious but also contributes to reducing the wet waste produced by them. One of the major reasons why Indore could win the title of the cleanest city of the country three times consequently is the commitment of the Indoris to contribute in whichever way possible to keep the city speck clean.

Cokka Bar and Cafe Indore

Chef Chandan, Head chef at the Cokka café and bar gave us a tour of his kitchen, narrating as to how he came up with the idea to create unique recycled dishes, which now have become a major attraction for the joint. A resident of Madhya Pradesh, Chef Chandan who has been living in Indore for a long time now feels strongly about all the wet waste generated in homes and restaurants and how the majority of the people are unaware of the means through which this waste can be reduced. He listed food waste like Fenugreek stem and leaves, leaves of Mooli, the leafy stem of cauliflower, potato peels, etc which are edible and can be consumed by providing a new twist to its taste. Chef Chandan further demonstrated to us a vegetarian starter dish, made from potato peels with a fresh Chinese twist. The dish features in the Cokka menu and has gained positive reviews from the customers who gave it a try.


This green initiative by Cokka Bar and Café is a major inspiration for all the hotel and restaurant businesses in Indore and in the country. Indore city produces 1,115 Million Ton waste every day, out of which 58.25% is wet or organic waste. So technically our city produces around Six hundred and forty-nine million tons of wet waste every day. Imagine how much of this could be reduced just by taking small conscious measures to convert this waste into something appetizing, by the food joints or at our homes. This unique concept by Cokka can be considered as a major eye-opener for every Indori who takes pride in residing in the cleanest city in the country. We suggest you head over to Cokka Café and bar and sample this delicious recycled dish and other scrumptious delicacies created by the dedicated chefs and dive into the goodness of a variety of mouthwatering food all at one place!

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