Follow an Ideal Schedule during the COVID-19 Lockdown & live a Healthy Life.
Maintaining a schedule gives us a sense of purpose to follow around the day, it helps us avoid leading an unhealthy and lazy lifestyle so that we could easily adapt ourselves to our old routines when things go back to normal.
With the extension of the country-wise lockdown till 3rd May, 2019, it’s hard to say how long it will take for the COVID-19 threat to completely disappear. The only thing we can do is follow the orders issued by the government and abide by the laws while staying at home and keeping ourselves safe. It is important to maintain a healthy and balanced schedule so that we do not bury ourselves in the monotone of the Quarantined life. This can cause unnecessary anxiety and a disturbed mental status. An ideal daily schedule can include the following:
Wake up early in the morning
Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy and wise! This age old saying certainly holds a fair amount of truth to itself. It is healthy to wake up early in the morning and preferably do some exercise or yoga and just inhale the fresh pollution free morning air.
Have a healthy breakfast
Breakfast is the first meal of the day, so it has to be a healthy one. Given the time of limited supply of groceries, make sure your breakfast has the required amount of calories with minimum amount of supplies used.
Help out in the daily chores
You should contribute in the daily chores of the house with other people of your family. Divide duties to do tasks like cleaning, cooking, doing the laundry, washing dishes etc. make sure that the work load of all these activities do not fall on one person alone.
Sit with your family for lunch
You probably didn’t have much time before the COVID-19 pandemic to gather around with your family and have a nice meal. So now is the time, sit together with your family and enjoy this time to get to know each other.
Do some leisure activities
There are numerous activities that you might enjoy to do but never had the time before to do it. You could paint, do gardening, explore new recipes, write etc. Doing leisure activities helps you reduce stress and takes your mind off the things that are going on in the world.
Gather around with your family for evening snacks or tea
Have a relaxing evening in your balcony or terrace with your family with light snacks or tea with fun conversations and old stories flowing all around. You can video call your family and friends and share your good mood to spread positivity and happiness.
Watch some good films or television shows/web series
Entertainment is the best source to pass your time while doing something worthwhile. Watching good movies, exploring various cinemas, good web series or old television shows is a really good way to relax and enjoy.
Have a light dinner
The last meal of the day should not be extremely heavy as it could mess with your digestion especially since our physical activities are close to none.
It is good to spend some time praying as it helps us to keep on hope. All your family should gather around to pray to whatever divine power you believe in, praying for all those who need healing and all those who are struggling to make ends meet.
Go to sleep at an appropriate hour
With such a wholesome day, you are bound to feel sleepy. Do not stay awake till late hours of night as it is extremely unhealthy for you. Sleep on time and have a full eight hour sleep to be refreshed the next day.
These are some suggestions that you could inhabit in your own daily schedule. A balanced and ideal daily schedule can contribute is giving a semblance of normality and keep a ready flow of positivity, something that is very essential, keeping in mind the current situation.
We at Indore Talk have initiated social distancing by practicing work from home and support the government and all the authorities in their endeavor to fight this pandemic in the country. We urge all our viewers and followers to not panic and stay positive and kind to all those who are battling with this virus, stay aware and safe and assist the authorities in any way you can to prevent further spreading of this virus.
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