Be Safe and Do not Panic: Follow these Safety Guidelines during Lockdown/ Curfew.

In these trying times for our country, where the Country is declared in a Lockdown till 14th April, 2020, it is essential to realize that the security measures advised should be taken seriously. After 4 people tested positive in Indore, city Collector has declared a Curfew in the city until further notice. The rampant transmission of COVID-19 through touch is the biggest reason why the entire world has reached to consensus to declare it as a pandemic, eradication of which has been the prime necessity all over. In such situation, each and every one has to keep ourselves safe, abiding by the guidelines of the government to fight this pandemic. Here are some basic guidelines that everyone can easily follow to protect themselves from COVID-19. Remember Self isolation and social distancing are the keys to fight this.

  • Source: InfoBeans
  • Designate one healthiest and youngest adult in your family over 18 to do all your outside of home purchases of milk, essential items, etc. Rest of the people should stay home to avoid exposure. DO NOT TAKE TURNS!
  • Try to be conscious of usage and wastage – minimize both!
  • Do not hoard or overstock but do buy, if possible, essential stuff at least worth a week so you only need to go out 3 times during lockdown 
  • Try to buy everything from one or at the most two places nearest to you. Don’t travel far distance in search of a better price. Do not go to wholesale mandis. Retail customers are not allowed during lockdown
  • Try to find places who can take orders on WhatsApp or online and can deliver or at least get them packed and ready for you to pick up. This will also limit exposure
  • Remember to take cloth bags to bring purchases in. Tie handkerchiefs or wear cloth gloves on your hands and 4-fold a handkerchief to cover your nose and mouth before leaving home.
  • When interacting with sellers in the market, maintain a 6ft distance from them. DO NOT exchange coins under any circumstances. Leave the coins/change with them. Do not touch anyone and minimize touching things. Make sure your handkerchief tied to hands comes in contact with whatever you are touching and not your bare hands.
  • BE SURE to not touch your face while you are out buying things.
  • Once you (or the designated person) come(s) back from purchases, family members keep household containers or utensils ready for the stuff to be emptied out/poured into without touching anything else. Then put your cloth shopping bag(s) in wash. Let family members start dealing with the bought stuff. The person who went out should immediately go and take shower and put all clothing in wash.
  • If you are receiving milk from milk-man, be sure to use a utensil holder (saansi) or use a pan with a handle to receive milk. Then immediately put it on fast stove for boiling and you must wash your hands. Maintain 6ft distance with the milk-man and advise him to wear gloves/ masks/ handkerchief next time he comes.
  • Anyone who does not live with you should not be coming inside your home. Talk to them on phone. You can chat with your neighbors from balcony or respective verandahs/porches with at least 10ft distance without anyone touching anything as long as they are not sick. If they are sick, they shouldn’t be talking to you and you shouldn’t be taking to them.

These guidelines are simple to follow and yet would contribute in minimizing the risks of COVID-19 for you and your family. Beware, Be cautious, Be safe and be Inside your home. We at Indore Talk have initiated social distancing by practicing work from home and support the government and all the authorities in their endeavor to fight this pandemic in the country. We urge all our viewers and followers to not panic and stay positive and kind to all those who are battling with this virus, stay aware and safe and assist the authorities in any way you can to prevent further spreading of this virus.

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