IndoreTalk and HBTV's Live Broadcast of Indore ki Ger 2024 Mesmerizes Viewers across the Globe.

In the vibrant city of Indore, amidst the fervor and joy of Rangpanchami, something truly remarkable unfolded this year. The annual event of ‘ger’ saw unprecedented enthusiasm, with over 800,000 people joining in the celebrations. 

The news of Indore’s ger is creating waves across newspapers and news channels, making it a trending topic. What adds to this pride is the fact that this year’s ger was witnessed by people from more than 30 countries through a live telecast on IndoreTalk and HBTV.

Team Indore extends a special thanks to the Indori International Business Network and the Ribosome Institute for their invaluable support in making this live stream possible. Also, a special thanks to the incredible people of Indore. 

Behind the scenes of this spectacular live stream were over 35 dedicated team members, equipped with 10+ on-field cameras, 2 Go-Pros, 2 Drones, 4 Photographers, and 1 Content Creator. This concerted effort ensured that the essence of ger reached far and wide. 

The live stream was made possible with due permissions from various authorities including the Administration (Collector Office), IMC (Indore Municipal Corporation), the Archaeology Department (Bhopal), Jansampark, Indore Smart city and the Madhya Pradesh Government. This collaboration ensured a seamless and authorized broadcast of the event. 

The numbers speak volumes about the success of this endeavor – 85,000+ viewers tuned in to watch ger live on YouTube through IndoreTalk and HBTV. Additionally, Facebook views soared to 262,000, accompanied by 5,000+ messages and 6,000+ shares and still counting. It’s evident that the audience was captivated by the grandeur of ger. 

What’s truly impressive is the extensive reach of the pre-promotion of ger on IndoreTalk, reaching more than 300,000 people. Even after the event, the post-production content continues to engage, with a reach of more than 555,000 and counting. This speaks volumes about the enduring appeal of Indore’s cultural celebrations. 

One of the unique aspects of this ger was the live commentary provided by historian Zafar Ansari, commentator Pankaj, and content creator Veshnavi. They were joined by RJ Tathagat, RJ Shiv, and other authorities, adding depth and context to the spectacle. 

Indore’s ger, with its rich cultural significance, has not only enthralled the local populace but has also garnered attention globally. The live stream has not just showcased the beauty of ger but has also highlighted Indore’s cultural heritage to a diverse audience worldwide. 

As we look back on this year’s ger, it stands as a testament to the unity, vibrancy, and cultural richness of Indore. It’s moments like these that remind us of the beauty of our traditions and the power of technology to bring the world together in celebration. Here’s to many more years of joyous ger celebrations in Indore! 

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