Lifestyle Talk: 10 best forms of exercises apart from doing so in a Gym!

Gymming – an exercise activity which is in the to-do list of every youngster and adults. Some do it to lose extra fat while others do to shape the body. Even women also practice gym to remain in the right shape and posture. Which is no doubt the best thing, they can do.

The Gym culture is deeply followed in metro’s these days; it is great to do gym for those who literally need it, no doubt. But the question is to be raised for those who don’t have much time to invest in the gym and for those as well who are in doubt that whether they actually need to be in a gym or not. Gym culture is vigorously promoted in bachelors these days. Doing gym does not harm your body in any way, but the intention must be health only. While some do so just to gain attention in front of others, which should be checked. People should have the option of exercising at home as well without changing the daily chaos.

Gymming - Indore Talk

Is the gym the only option available?

Particularly no! Most of the people do gymming due to lack of knowledge of options that are available instead. Here is the article which will provide you the bucket of options to choose instead of the gym.

Who should practice gym and who should not?

These days, most thin-bodied people are seen to join the gym, which is scientifically not good for health for people with such body types, Gym is particularly to shape the mass and fat of body, if you have so, but those who don’t have mass in body and are low at health part join gym to gain mass, which is totally impractical, your body will definitely gain mass, but when you will leave regular exercise that mass will shed off, which is not worth. So people should first focus on diet to gain mass then joining the gym. If you have already joined a gym, no issues, do it with dedication and you will have good results.

Things to be considered before beginning:

  1. Most people have seen just gymming and having whey-based protein shakes, prepared mostly from SCP technique (Single Cell Protein), which is quickly absorbed by the body and they quickly dissimilate from the body as well.
  2. Gymming should be done to shape a mass of the body, instead of gaining mass, increase your appetite and diet by slow rate cardiac exercises like aerobics, running, swimming, etc. which will warm up your nerves, organs and muscles, and your body will start to absorb fats and carbohydrates. Have milk with green vegetables as breakfast, wake up early to gain calcium and fat from it (vitamin D) and have a session of such exercises. You can also have eggs alternatively (but not with milk as it is said that it causes Albinism).
  3. For vegetarians it is a challenge to gain mass without having meat and animal fat, which is readily and more easily absorbed by body if compared to plant fat, but the advantage with plant fat is, it is negligibly harmful and doesn’t shed off from body easily, only and only animal fat contains cholesterols and triglycerides, which are bad for heart if present excessively. Plant fat is gained with hard work and people on a vegetarian diet doing gym are found healthier than on animal fat diet, so add all green veggies and fruits in your diet plan while gymming.
  4. Also practice aerobics, running and Zumba with gym weekly or alternatively, these enhance your hearts potential and longevity, it enhances the stamina of the muscles and blood transfusion is also enhanced. We regularly use only 25-30 percent of our lung volume, and blood potential and the heart rate remains average 60-72 (cycles or beats/ minute) when awake, but while running it can even reach 120, it should be touched to the upward bar at least once in a day for longevity.
  5. Remember the desk job culture is deeply and gradually harming our body, no major movement for 8-9 hours straight and this routine for the whole day makes your body potential down, your spine stiff and the blood’s capacity is lost after 3-4 years, which causes various issues, like irregular blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, anemia (mostly in females) and many more issues with the body just due to lack of regular exercise, and when the body starts to degrade then we join gym, which is complete loss of money and time for such people, rather than this, they can change their lifestyle or can add running or jogging into morning routine.
  6. Most people just do gymming for 3-4 months, build body and just don’t do anything else; they get stuck on gymming, which is not good. Don’t stop at gymming; gain skills like swimming, badminton, volleyball, football, Judo and taekwondo, boxing and kick-boxing for self-defense, callisthenic movements which makes you way more flexible and potential than gymming. Callisthenic movements are not that popular but one should definitely research it and practice them to gain the required flexibility, which will make you stand apart from your colleagues. That would be a real thing to gain attraction and attention. Yoga also helps you to gain peace, eternity, and flexibility.

Gaining more and more skills is the true spirit:

Again, if you are into gymming, it is the best activity among all, don’t get reckless while reading it and don’t change your opinion, enjoy gymming along with aerobics, running, Zumba, and other cardiac exercises as well, Again don’t stop at gymming, gain skills, as they will be permanent.  These points are for those who are making the decision whether to go for a gym to gain health or not. If you don’t have time to go to the gym regularly and feel that you are low at confidence, or you feel that instead of gaining body mass, gaining skills is a good option, we have 10 most adequate activities for you which you can even practice at home as well:-

Cardiac activities: like aerobics, running, Zumba, skipping, hula hoop should be practiced to gain stamina and body potential, it will also help you to have some dance steps when on any occasion. You will not have to compromise or feel shy of anyone as you will have Zumba dance to impress everyone. Stamina will also keep your mood uplifted while doing physical work, you will not get tired easily. Do run daily in the morning for at least 45 minutes.

Outdoor Sports: like badminton, football, volleyball, and others involves proper physical utilization of body from both cardiac and flexibility point of view, and you will never lose a game if tried by friends or time. A person practicing sports is always more fit than others not doing so. Do add sports to your daily routine, you will never feel dizzy and the confidence level will remain absolute in you, ultimately you will feel alive.

Athletics and gymnastics: gaining flexibility will enhance workforce and manpower in you, most of the gym freaks don’t pay attention to it, which makes their body rigid and stiff, actually they gain mass only but don’t gain a workforce which is the ultimate goal, such a kind of body may look appealing but actually is very restricted. So add fast and low twitch athletic and gymnastic exercises in the gymming schedule.

Yoga: Yoga is proven to enhance every sort of quality in the body like mental peace, emotion, health, and brainpower in the body, actually yoga is one of the ways to connect our soul to the Godly one, it activates the seven chakra’s of the body which holds and controls all the energy and its flow in our body. When this energy flow is under our control, the body, mind, and soul will have no difference and you will be at peak of knowledge, health and reality which will help you to know the real meaning of life. Read about Power Yoga, it is more specific to exercising as yoga is not radical towards physical labor.

Swimming: as a skill, swimming is a must that everyone should know-how. Imagine someone stuck in a water body drowning and everyone is just watching but not helping, you being the only responsible person out there splashed into the water directly, showed some skills and saved mankind and that person by just knowing how to swim. We don’t want that any such scenario is faced by anyone, but at least you would be able to enjoy waters and let others be safe by just your presence nearby.

Self-defense: everyone is aware of the ever-increasing crime rates of the city, God doesn’t do! but anyone, anytime can face a condition where he needs to act like a heroin movies, who knows every sort of fighting art, we might not be like them but at least we should know how to handle 2-3 heads if they misbehave in any manner, self- defense is a must-know for women these days, regular practice of judo- karate, taekwondo, boxing, kick-boxing, and some sort of fighting tactics is way better than exercise, you will not feel afraid anymore while going out, you will be able to enjoy the night life as well.

Adventure Sports: Waking up in the morning, eating, working, earning, spending, again eating, and sleeping”- kindly evaluate, and observe. Only this is the daily routine of most of the people today, which makes them sorrowful, distressed and even depressed sometimes, to deal with this it is required to spend some family time with something so adrenaline that it sparks you up and your life from inside, trekking, climbing, and mountain cycling are some of the adventure sports that everyone can practice nearby, at least plan a local outing weekly, and outdoor tour annually anywhere from peninsular regions to hill stations. Only working earning and spending is not life, do travel as well. It will make you alive, again.

Callisthenic movements: you can see a number of gyms nearby but very few teach callisthenic movements, which is way more worth doing. Kindly add it to your checklist before selecting a gym for you. It follows a different paradigm, in these exercises, you need not practice with extra weights and dumbbells, instead, you will have to practice on your own body weight and manage it accordingly in different postures with body-balance. It does not get you body mass, you will look regular, not too thin nor fat, but you will be 2 times more flexible and dynamic than a person doing gym. Kindly do study over it.

Roller skating: It is a fact that majority of the population have not seen how it feels on wheels, which is worth experiencing at least once, in a lifetime, many of you will definitely love it. Rushing against the wind stream on wheels with your own body balance is the actual heaven on earth. It does not put more pressure on your joints as well. Try it once.

Bicycling, brisk walking, and jogging: Nobody is needed to be explained about the benefits of such stable twitch exercises, bicycling keeps your body wholly fit, most of the major muscles work while cycling, more than a hundred of your muscles work while you are walking, and jogging is just slow running which can be practiced at a slow rate as well. Anyone will not have to face fat and obesity-related issues if he/she practices these.

Swasth Raho, Mast Raho!

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